Saturday, August 10, 2013


"The C Word".  "The Big C".  All nicknames for that word that strikes fear into the hearts of men and women everywhere, COOKING!  Ok, just kidding.  It's CANCER!  I say it just like that, in big capital letters, with this evil sounding laugh...CANCER!  Of course, you knew what word I was referring to, after all its in the name of the blog.  But, the lighter side?  Now, you must think that I am being awfully insensitive or am guilty of being the other C word - CRAZY!

The truth is, I have recently come through surgery where they diagnosed me as having the double C - Colon Cancer (By the way, what kind of cancer did the American Indians get in the days of the first settlers?  COLONY CANCER!).  While the operation was a success (More details to come in a later post), the blockage was so large that I will have to have CHEMO treatments (Can the cure be worse than the disease?  In the case of chemotherapy, it bears considering!).  That starts in a few weeks time from now.  However, I decided to start this blog to journal my journey with the disease.  And, being a former stand-up comedian, I write a lot of things in a bit more whimsical way.  After all, with a diagnosis of cancer, you can choose to get down and depressed (and I do not blame anyone for that!), or you can choose to face things as they come with a positive, light-hearted attitude.  This is the approach I am trying to take here, and hopefully I can help someone else who is down about their suffering realize that even with cancer, you can still smile.

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