Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Life Changer

When told you have cancer, or even that you had cancer removed as was my case, it changes your life.  You become a member of a club that unfortunately is all too populous, but suddenly you can relate all too real with someone else who is fighting cancer. Its a wide family.

Even when I didn't think I had cancer, in the back of my mind I guess I was preparing myself for the worst. So, when told the diagnosis, I accepted it as well as could be expected. I had prayed that no matter what, I would leave it in God's hands, and that is still my view. I think of a lyric from one of my favorite Dream Theater songs..."If I die tomorrow, I'd be alright because I believe that after we're gone, the spirit carries on".

About a year ago, i went through about a one month period of severe depression. I have no idea what brought it on, but I would never had made it through without love and support from family and friends. It was by far the worst period of time in my life. And, while the diagnosis of cancer is certainly not a good thing, I believe that God put me through that trial last year to prepare me for any future bad news, because I had gone through Hell for a while and turned out ok again in the end. I honestly believe that this has been the reason I have been able to take things as well as I have so far.

Granted, things have not been all roses. I have had my moments of questions, doubts, and fear. The first time I walked into Clearview Cancer Institute, it was very surreal, and all I could think about was that I was now a cancer patient. But, through daily prayer, support from family and friends have lifted me up. I love you all! 

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